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Dear Fellow Taxpayers and Honorable Elected Officials


Honorable Senator B. Boxer
Honorable Senator D. Feinstein
Honorable Representative George Miller
Taxpayer Associations Everywhere

Dear Fellow Taxpayers and Honorable Elected Officials:

I used my recent surgery recovery time to read various GAO (General
Accounting Office) reports dating back to the early 1990's.  They have
proven to be most interesting, particularly the repeated recommendations
of the GAO and OIG (Office of Inspector General) to the DOJ/DEA/ONDCP,
for them to bring their agencies’ financial accountability into
compliance with the law Congress that passed in 1993.

Federal agencies were given until 1997 to submit a true and honest
budget, that would prove that they were making measurable progress
toward their stated and required mission goals.  Most have at least
tried to comply.  We are talking about billions of our tax dollars being
used with almost zero oversight.  The GAO and Congress should be
watching these mountains of public money like hungry Eagles watching
Salmon spawn.  Alas, such is not the case.

The AG/DOJ/DEA/ONDCP set their own standards, they make their own rules,
re-interpret and/or redefine anything they want.  They are either unable
or just refuse to prove that they have accomplished anything besides
taking our money and filling our prisons (further adding to our
financial burden).  That alone should be some sort of measure – they
have imprisoned nearly 700,000 of us in their zeal to be ever more
draconian and tough – with zero drop in drug availability or use.  Of
course they managed to find time, money and manpower to harass
California licensed physicians and their patients and to continue making
medical decisions that rightfully belong in the hands of those

The GAO faithfully reports on these tax abusers, wasters and even
embezzlers but to no avail.  They simply stall, change their mission
goals and continue to thumb their noses at Congress’ Performance and
Results Act – 1993.  This law says that measurable progress toward
stated goals must be shown in regularly submitted verifiable budget
audit reports by all who feed at the public trough.  Every year our
money disappears to mismanagement, misappropriation, and embezzlement
and in a thousand unaccounted ways.

This means that appointed bureaucrats, at the highest levels of law
enforcement in the country, are breaking the law, it means they know how
powerful they have pushed to become and they fear nothing.  Nearly every
member of Congress cowers in abject fear while failing to protect the
rest of us. They know if they should dare disagree or even question the
agenda of ‘drug control policy’ that some high ranking mouthpiece at
Justice will call a press conference and the drug czar or the AG (or a
Souder or Barr) will label them ‘soft on drugs’ or legalizers.  Done
without regard to their party membership but with a deliberate  intent
to take the heat off themselves and place it on those few brave and
honest enough to say something.

They believe that they are above the law.  They have taken our money,
our rights, our respect for the lawmen, our sons, daughters, mothers and
fathers and often our homes (asset forfeiture another very poorly
managed government boondoggle) and built a drug war machine-like dynasty
that rules without a shred of concern for what may be right or wrong.

Mind you all this is done in the name of a ‘war on drugs’ with at least
50% of it over an ancient medicinal plant.  They have been lying about
Cannabis/marijuana for nearly 100 years.  Do you know that every major
commissioned study has said that Cannabis/marijuana should not be a law
enforcement issue at all?  (See Schaffer Drug Lib. at http://www.druglibrary.org – Major Studies)

Remember, even if you don’t vote you still pay taxes – and they are
stealing from you under color of authority and asking for more.
Apparently no one has the stones to take them to task, to question their
motives, to ask the questions that would cause truth to break out all
over.  An ever growing number of people, outside of Washington D.C., who
have done their homework and are beginning to speak out, actually come
from the right and from the left and from the middle.

What will it take to stop the lawlessness of the lawmen?  The taxpayers
can put a stop to this trashing of justice as no one else has the
backbone for it and they are footing the bills.  Let’s cut them off at
our pocketbooks.  Make sure you let your elected officials know that you
are mad as hell and you aren’t going to take it anymore.

I am attaching a list of some reading you may now care to take a look
at.  Please.  Learn for yourself about the $1.2 Billion over estimate by
DOJ’s wayward warriors in the ONDCP or the $6 Million in just two
embezzlements that have surfaced, so far.

Laura Carden

Taxpayers Can Make a Difference!

Where:  http://www.gao.gov

Here you can download or order the reports.  The first of each report is free and you can order up to 12 a day.  It took about 3 weeks for my first order to arrive.

GAO-01-250 – January 2001 – Major Management Challenges & Program Risks – DOJ

GAO/GGD-99-108 – July 1999 – Drug Control – DEA’s Strategies & Operations in the 1990’s

GAO/OCG-99-10 – January 1999 – Major Management Challenges & Program Risks – DOJ


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