Vol. 2, Number 12 December 1, 2010 cheryl riley, editor & writer Gradi Jordan, writer |
AAMC California AAMC El Dorado County CA AAMC Idaho AAMC Kansas AAMC Oregon AAMC Washington |
University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) Cannabis Farm - by c.a. riley
The federal government has denied for decades that cannabis has any medicinal value. At the same time, within a heavily secured but otherwise unremarkable laboratory on the University of Mississippi campus at Oxford, a US government cannabis farm has since 1968 been growing large quantities of the plant for research purposes. The government calls this operation “The Marijuana Project.”
Step into Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly’s office in the Coy W. Waller Laboratory Complex on the University of Mississippi campus at Oxford and the first thing you’ll notice is the heady, slightly sweet aroma of cannabis. This should not be surprising, as Dr. ElSohly is director of the NIDA-funded Marijuana Project at the university, where the entire Waller Complex smells as if it is the home of an army of skunks.
Alabama: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Arkansas: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Connecticut: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Delaware: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Florida: Medical marijuana petition drive underway.
Idaho: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Illinois: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Iowa: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Kansas: Medical marijuana petition drive underway.
Maryland: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Massachusetts: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Minnesota: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Missouri: Considering a medical marijuana law.
New Hampshire: Considering a medical marijuana law.
New York: Considering a medical marijuana law.
North Carolina: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Ohio: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Pennsylvania: Considering a medical marijuana law.
South Carolina: Considering a medical marijuana law.
South Dakota: Medical marijuana petition drive underway.
Tennessee: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Texas: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Wisconsin: Considering a medical marijuana law.
Featured Recipe - Nebu’s Hazy Hazelnut Bhang
One of our readers has submitted a wonderful recipe for a delicious beverage that is guaranteed to be soothing. Nebu doesn’t like cannabis extractions using animal products like butter so he uses the natural oils found in nuts. These oils can be beneficial all by themselves particularly the omega three fatty acids. While Nebu and Nurse Nancy Wife both love Hazelnuts, yours truly doesn’t so I asked if you can use macadamia nuts. Yum, you can! You could also use walnuts if you like that flavor and want more omega three.
I’d also like to point out that Nebu and I discussed using flowers (bud) versus trim. High grade trim will work but not be as potent nor will it taste as good. Keep this treat refrigerated and use extreme caution as you can see from the recipe you’ve got a solid 30 grams of flowers into a bit less than four cups making this preparation one of the strongest I’ve ever seen.
From Nebu:
I thought I would share a little recipe with everyone who might find occasion to ingest their cannabis as opposed to inhale. I typically prefer phyto-inhalation (aka vaporization or volitization) of cannabis as method of delivery but, not too long ago, I was a bit laid out from an outpatient surgery and wanted to medicate whilst horizontal (to deal with pain), without the typical prescription narcotics/acetaminophens, etc.,.
I am also not a proponent of drinking another mammal's lactating excretion (i.e. cow's milk, etc.,) in any shape or form, so I use other forms of "milk" (i.e. Hemp Seed, Almond, Sesame, Pecan, Hazelnut, Walnut, Cashew, Rice, Soy). It's very easy to do and you get all the nutritional benefits of live, raw enzymes without the pesticides, antibiotics, white-blood cells, bovine growth hormones, etc., from "dead" milk (they have to cook it, "pasteurize" in order to kill the diseases, bacteria, etc.,).
Here's what you'll need:
1. Combine the water, nuts, dates, vanilla, and salt into the blender and blend on high for a good 5 minutes.
2. Strain this through the 75U mesh into a pot. Work the nut mush good to get all the juice out. *I save my nut mush for other recipes (i.e. nut yoghurt, mix w/dry fruits and dehydrate for trail mix/cookies, etc.,)
3. Take the pot of nut milk, add the Oz of kind and slowly heat on low on the stove. If you can measure the temp keep it below 125F (the enzymes in your milk can survive below this temp). Slow-low cook for ~ 10 minutes while stirring constantly.
4. Remove from stove and filter thru the 75U again.
5. Add the honey to taste... organic cocoa (2 tablespoons) is also a good choice here to help mask the taste if necessary.
Chill or drink warm, as preferred. Makes ~ 4 cups.
April 15-17, 2010 Providence, RI USA
Medical Marijuana States Alaska Arizona California Colorado District of Columbia Hawaii Maine Michigan Montana Nevada New Jersey New Mexico Oregon Rhode Island Vermont Washington |